Tue, April 24, 2018
A massive congratulations to both our Employee of the Month, Ria Watson and the recipient of the People’s Choice Award, Ivan Caenetto. Both winners demonstrated the ‘wow factor’ with their impressive service levels.
In particular Ria who works on the New Look account achieved an impressive 31 WOWs (‘customer compliments’) for going the extra mile, with an overall CSAT score of 87% and an overall quality score of 97%. Ria exceeded all her KPI targets with a 100% attendance for the month. Ria is one of a few advisors also nominated to support fellow colleagues with Cybersource queries as approved by Management.
Meanwhile the people’s champion was Facilities Manager, Ivan Caenetto, who was voted for his dedication to helping every department run smoothly and making sure our office is exceptionally well maintained. He is always smiling, friendly and helpful.