Tue, July 23, 2019
Our Peoples Choice and Employee of the Month award winners have been announced! Both Ventricans have gone above and beyond in their roles, supporting our clients and their fellow teammates.
Our Employee of the Month Award winner was Melody Crafer. Nominated by her managers, here’s what they had to say:
Melody is incredibly knowledgeable on our clients account and is always helping her colleagues, answering questions or issues with an immediate response. She’s shown great leadership skills and gives great support to our team, our client, and their customers.
Well done Melody!
Our Peoples Choice Award winner was Jake Baker. Nominated by our Ventricans, here’s what they had to say:
Jake always gives his time and attention to anyone in need. He’s very helpful and approachable, always willing to get the job done. He’s also provided great support and guidance to his colleagues.
Well done Jake!
Congratulations again to both of our June award winners and thank you for all your hard work!
If you’d like to join our award-winning team of Ventricans, check out the latest roles that we’re hiring for.